Pictures my mom took when she and Tom were here. Shane playing the drums

Playing the guitar

Tom with the puppy. Shocker that they're best buddies

Tom Shane and I

My little family

Mom and Tom

Tom and I



In downtown Mesa there's a lot of statues. This was a wild one!

Shane and I

Big comfy couch


There's a giant statue of American Gothic with a suitcase

My favorite was the giant shoe

Sitting on American Gothic's shoes

Shane jumped off the cliffs with the puppy. She's mad

Hiking back

Jumping off the medium cliff

Comfort from mommy after the cliff jump


The big cliff

Shane and the puppy

As soon as she could she got on dry land.
We had a lot of fun. We went to the lake, went and saw the art in downtown Mesa and of course had lunch at Cracker Barrel. Mom and Tom got to meet Shane's mom briefly. She was sick so wasn't able to go to lunch with us, but Shane insisted that they meet, so that was nice. And mom took boudoir photos for me. Can't wait to see the results!! Shane put in for a transfer to San Diego, so even if he doesn't get into the police academy we'll hopefully still be moving back. Although of course it would be much better if he got into the academy. Our lease doesn't expire until June, but you never know, we might just be staying instead of just visiting for my birthday. Crossing my fingers cause I miss everyone, but trying not to get my hopes up too much (too late). Love and miss you all!!!!!!
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