So the trip out was an adventure for sure. We started out with not enough rope so we lost some stuff along the way. We borrowed more rope from Tom so we saved more than we would have otherwise. It was really random stuff too. One stereo speaker, my cheetah blanket, the cat box, etc. We didn't get here until like 7 am on the 11th. Shane had to be at work at 2, so I pretty much just bummed around the house and unpacked some. Friday we went to see a realtor because we are thinking about buying a house. He gave us a list of 185 houses to sort through and we picked our favorite four. There's definately one that stands out. It's 4 bed 3 bath and 2,270 sq ft. It's gorgeous, we've definately got our hopes up. Shane has been working everyday since we got here so I've pretty much just been hanging out and unpacking. I've been cooking and really liking it, no complaints on that so far. I've been sending out my resume to places on craigslist hoping to find a 9-5 job. I've gotten a couple hits on some front desk jobs. I need to start working soon though because I'm going out of my mind from just sitting at home. I'm planning on going to get apps from the places around our apartment. We literally live smack dab in the middle of town which is actually nice from a job hunting standpoint. Also I've never lived so close to town so I like just being able to walk to the store really quick. Valentine's was wonderful. Shane had to work until 2:30, but left early without telling me and went and bought me roses and chocolate and stuff for dinner. He made me lemon chicken pasta and it was DELICIOUS. I've never been cooked for so it was nice to be spoiled a bit. Today I hung out with his little brother Bryan while his mom went shopping. It was interesting for sure. We played video games online and even though he said we were playing together he told me what moves to make the whole time. We went and hung out by the pool for a bit. I owned him at Marco Polo. I warned him that I've had twice his life in experience. Apparently he thinks Shane is the grand master at Marco Polo, and Shane claims it's because hes deaf and can "feel" me in the water. I guess their whole family thinks they're fish. Bryan told me he can breathe underwater for 5 seconds then said that it hurts though cause the water gets in his lungs. Lol I wanted to tell him that it's called drowning. So far I like it out here, but I do miss my family and friends. I love you all!