So it's been a while since I've posted. I haven't really been doing anything exciting. I had like four days off in a row recently. It really sucks, but it should be getitng better. I was pretty much just filling in whatever hours were available, but now with the new month starting I should be getting more hours and it'll be even better in April. It's wierd cause we pretty much make our own schedule.
I'm so excited for Mom and Tom to come out in April. We're also planning on coming out in June from like the 25-1. I wanna turn 21 where I've got friends. And I have to be in town to go see Eclipse with Mom on the 30th. I'm excited because I really miss everybody. I'm hoping that my friend Sam will be moving soon cause I hate just sitting around at home on my days off, but I don't really know anyone. I've been getting to know one of my co-workers so that's cool. And I've been in contact with my cousins.
So far I like Phoenix. Except for a couple things. When I get directions offline, it'll say it's like 5 miles away, but it'll take me 20 minutes to get there. It's really annoying, I always feel like I must have missed the turn because there's no way it should be taking this long. But then I'll find it. Also pretty much all the left turns are left turn yields, so it's possible that you'll sit at the light FOREVER. And if you pull into the intersection then don't get a chance to turn you either have to run the red or backup. It's ridiculous. There's also speeding cameras all over. When we were going hiking that day Shane got flashed by one and we thought it was no big deal cause he was only going like 9 miles over the speed limit and you have to be doing at least 11 to get a ticket, turns out he was doing 15 over and totally got a ticket. The awesome part was that they send the picture with the ticket and they put a giant white circle over my face, like protecting the innocent.
Shane's been amazing. He feels really bad about taking me from my family though. On the days when he has to work at 6am he gets up at 4:30, and he'll be on the computer or whatever but sitting around in the dark so I can sleep. Sami refuses to allow the bedroom door to be closed cause she can't decide where she'd rather be. She likes him better than me cause he feeds her cereal and stuff. Shane bought me a beautiful freesia plant which I am doing my best to keep alive although with my natural talent for killing things isn't going so well. Also Sami keeps trying to eat them. I'm not sure if she actually wants to eat them or just taste them. There's so few things that she's not allowed to do and yet those are the things she wants to do most. Just like a cat.
I can't wait to get paid so we can actually do things. I've been living off my last paycheck from Kitchen Collection and I also sold one of my dresses on Ebay. Shane and I have just been hanging out watching movies and swimming. The other day we were swimming while our laundry was washing (they're right next to each other) and he went to go check on it while I stayed at the pool. The gate slipped and slammed shut and this woman that was in the pool really loudly said " geez don't slam the gate shithead." I about died laughing. We call her shithead lady now. She and her husband are in the pool from about 3 until 9 at night just sitting around listening to music and drinking. It's pretty ridiculous, they're about 60. I hope I never reach a point in my life where I've really got that much nothing to do.
Well I miss you all. I'd love if anyone else wanted to come out and visit. We'll be there in June if nothing else, but of course you're welcome. Love you all